An exciting look at everyday police life

In his blue uniform, he stands energetically at the lectern: detlev tolle, a self-confessed hammelburger, has been in police service for 40 years and has been vice president of the bavarian riot police since 2017. He had accepted the invitation of the association of friends of frobenius-gymnasium hammelburg e. V. Followed to report on his life and professional career. Pleased with the high number of interested listeners, he was able to give an interesting lecture enriched with facts and amusing anecdotes.

"From the vw kafer to cybercrime" was the title of the presentation, and tolle skillfully spanned the arc to take the audience on his journey through 40 years of police service: from the first blue-light ride in 1982 to frankfurt airport, to the demonstrations against the west runway, to the operation in wackersdorf, to a suicidal woman standing on the freeway bridge, to internet and grandchildren's tricksters. He has experienced a lot.

Everything was better before?

The question "was everything better in the past??" stands in the room, and tolle thinks that it was different. Whereas in the past it was a matter of pub crawls, drug offences and drink-driving, today there are also cases of cybercrime that need to be punished. Detlev tolle shows in the context of the theme "then and now" also a picture of a water cannon in action in 2018: in nurnberg, trees suffering from a lack of water due to the summer heat. "In bavaria there has not been a water cannon since wackersdorf. The bavarian line is that meetings are not broken up with water cannons", he explains. It is also pleasing to note that the number of offences has fallen in the past 30 years. Tolle himself feels very secure in hammelburg.

Rauber and gendarm

Tolle knew early on what he would like to do one day: "continue playing the cops and robbers game of his childhood in adulthood. On the side of the good, he has also been involved professionally since he started his training in 1980, and very successfully at that.

Lieb recalls his short time at the frobenius grammar school, which he left in the 7th grade. He fell in love with the first class and went on to attend secondary school, initially not looking forward to a good career, but this changed with the police training.

Years of training were followed by a two-year commissioner course at the technical college of the police in bavaria. Later he studied to become a commissioner at the german police academy in munster. The first gold star was achieved.

After a lot of theory came a lot of practice, among other things as head of the police department biebelried. That means 150 resp. 300 kilometers on the A 3 highway: "we had everything from 55 kilos of marijuana in the trunk to 10 kilos of cocaine in the dashboard to a submachine gun under the back seat", he tells from the daily practice.

Tolle has made it to the top in his profession with dedication and commitment. A path that he would also recommend to others.

Advertising for the police profession

Tolle had one specific goal that evening: to get schoolchildren excited about a possible career with the riot police, especially in the field of IT, in order to combat cybercrime and uncover white-collar criminals. According to tolle, in a survey of 20,000 schoolchildren by the market research institute trendence, the police ranked first as the most desirable employer, ahead of adidas and BMW. "You apply to us", he repeats several times to the schoolchildren in the room, and he is clearly proud that his daughter has chosen to train with the police.

Tolle repeatedly emphasizes how important it is for people to be close to each other. He reports on the former intensive exchange among colleagues "we were a conspiratorial bunch back then", so great and that thanks to intensive talk in the joint patrol and at the fubball game. Also he gives an outlook regarding more burgernahe. "The police will get back on their bikes", he explains. "It's possible that a bicycle patrol will also be on the road in hammelburg in the near future, so great. Then police and citizens can get in touch again more directly. The focus should be on the burgers and on direct dialog.

For his sometimes serious and often amusing lecture, he received much applause afterwards.

It would be interesting to know whether he was able to win over a schoolboy or schoolgirl present in the room for future training with the police. Someone who would like to represent and secure law and order in the next few years – close to the castle or on the internet. And then great opinion that the work in the police is the best there is, was share.

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