A cash-rich store

We hutschdorfers know what we have in it and have never wanted to miss it: our village shop.

There is almost everything your heart desires, and even if you run out of ingredients for the roast on a sunday morning: no problem, a trip to the village store and the sauerbraten is saved.

The assortment ranges from apple pockets to toothpaste – and what is not available is procured exclusively within a very short time. There is nothing that is "at the bar" does not exist.

But our village store is more than just a supermarket. It is a meeting place for young and old alike. Besides buying coffee, flour and sausage, there’s always time for a chat with the neighbors – and if there’s something on your mind, there’s always someone behind the counter with an open ear and some good advice to boot.

Even the smallest ones quickly find their way through the rows of shelves. There is everything from a coloring book to a toy tractor – and of course "a gummibarla" still jumps at the checkout out.

By the way, we are happy to be able to leave the car for a shopping trip, thus protecting the environment and supporting the regional economy.

So a big thank you that it exists! Romy think

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