Tug-of-war for the best trainees at the technical day in bad staffelstein

Tug-of-war for the best trainees at the technical day in bad staffelstein

Fallen in: "no, copper is not magnetic", says sebastian weigl and laughs. That’s what many people would think, because money munches stick to a magnet. "The small coins only have a copper coating, inside they are made of iron."

Sebastian comes from michelau, is 19 years old and is doing a mechatronics apprenticeship at brose. This time he is standing at a table in front of a display board in the adam-riese hall in bad staffelstein and is a teacher himself. "Brose technology day heibt die aktion, eight classes of the middle schools bad staffelstein, ebensfeld and redwitz will visit today. "I have seven minutes to explain everything – and the schoolchildren want to know a lot."
The company, headquartered in coburg, is stopping off in bad staffelstein for two days with this campaign, the first time in the district of lichtenfels. And they are making a big effort: about 30 people are involved, including basketball players and coaches as well as trainers and apprentices from brose.

A lot of effort for a company for which a lack of young applicants should not really be an issue? That’s not the point, says michael stammberger, head of training at brose. "Our intention is to get school-age children interested in technology." In the 5. To 7. Children are particularly receptive to classes. Brose hired a teacher on a temporary basis to develop the event. He went through the schools’ curricula and developed a concept based on this, thus creating a bridge for brose: how does technology work in reality?? At one of the four stations, the students learn what magnetism is and how an electric motor works. Some of them then work in the front of a seat module that brose manufactures. Or they learn about the operating principle of a pulley system, which brose also uses for window regulators. "I think the campaign is great because it is also based on our curriculum", says astrid balzar, head of the adam-riese school in bad staffelstein.

Toolmaker, electronics technician, mechatronics technician, and machine and plant operator – these are the four professions in which the graduates of the three schools taking part on this day can start their careers at brose. Brose employs around 90 trainees in these areas. "And lichtenfels is our catchment area because we have locations in coburg and hallstadt", stresses stammberger.

But it’s not about mass. Although the number of applications has increased by ten percent as a result of such campaigns, it is more important to match young people with the right profession: "our dropout rate in training is zero percent." The statements of louis, dominik and bastian from the 7a of the adam-riese school confirm the approach: agricultural machinery technician, trench farmer and kindergarten teacher are the three career choices so far "i have never considered anything like this before", says dominik.

Wolfgang heyder, managing director of brose baskets, was also there yesterday: "we want to take the topic beyond bamberg to attract talent, spectators, and sponsors." Because basketball is being played next door, but in keeping with the theme, today’s lesson is all about different throwing techniques.

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