The yearbook of the home club has “only” to be distributed

the yearbook of the home club has

Not only the businesses, but also the clubs in the region are affected by the corona pandemic. It has always been the custom of the weisendorf local history society to present the new yearbook at the general meeting in march and to distribute it to the members. The yearbook for 2020 is also available, but it has to find new ways to reach its readers.

The yearbook contains the dates on which the members of the association are active in the village of weisendorf. However, this year, with great probability, not a few of them will have to be cancelled. The result is a 168-page volume with interesting and amusing facts from the past club year as well as essays worth reading.

Very active association

The association news with a look back at the year 2019 shows how committed the association is to the market town. At the carnival procession in weisendorf, at the johannisfeuer and the hochstrabenlauf, but also at the schlachtschussel at the kerwa and the market day. In addition, there was a may hike to oberndorf and mohrendorf to the museum, and there was also a hobby art market, a museum advent and a christmas pint.

In the third and final part of the yearbook, josef wirtz discusses the end of the danube monarchy from the point of view of the hungarian germans in the aftermath of the first world war. Included is also the testimony of erich pradel of his experience of the second world war. He was with erwin rommel in africa, after being captured he ended up in a prisoner of war camp in iowa in the USA.

Lothar riks has early news on the lightning rod in franken and a need to call for new blood in kersbach in 18. Century sped up. District curator of local history manfred welker has documented the kieglibacken in weisendorf as well as the jubilee "20 years marienkapelle in reuth". He also recorded the life story of konrad seeberger from buch bei weisendorf, who advanced to become the town pastor of schlusselfeld.

Max schreiner was responsible for the management and coordination of the publication in a proven manner. The entire print run was printed by the schalk printing company in Herzogenaurach, Germany.

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