Fountain defies the frost

Fountain defies the frost

The firefighters from schonsreuth beat father frost year after year. In front of their beautiful fire station, a fountain bubbles despite minus 20 degrees, fish cavort in the small pond and feathered bipeds like to come by for a sip of goose wine. The scene does not take place under a roof or in a heated room, but outside in the freezing cold that has been affecting man and beast in schonsreuth for weeks.

In search of the ratsel's solution, the french day at the neighbor dieter heymann was found. "The water is always six degrees warm and comes from the source of our former water supply", he reports and points in the direction of buch am forst. There at the edge of the forest, deep under the "acid meadow" the water that had provided the formerly self-sufficient community with the vital juice for centuries comes from.
Now they are connected to the lichtenfels supply and thus their own source has become superfluous, regrets heymann. "There were no water meters back then, he added a little wistfully.
Nevertheless, the spring water in schonsreuth continues to fulfill an important function. It feeds the water tank in front of the fire station. A so-called float regulates the full height.
The small detour across the fountain delights the passers-by and also neighbor heymann, who sees a little steam rising in the early morning. A small gesture to the cold season.

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